1) 確認手機「操作系統」已更新至最新版本
2) 到「設定」刪除手機中的「cookies」和「暫存」
3) 刪除並重新安裝APP (也許APP只是需要更新)
4) 刪除並重新安裝APP後,請重啟手機。 手機重啟後,請嘗試進入並使用該應用程序。
5) 請確保您的藍牙已打開
完成所有提供的步驟後,嘗試在離線模式下使用您的設備(不要使用APP)。 這應該對設備進行某種「重置」,並且應該正常振動。
請確保您的設備已充滿電,藍牙已啟用並連接到 WIFI。
1) 刪除並重新安裝「FOREO For You」APP (也許APP只是需要更新)
2) 確認手機「操作系統」已更新至最新版本
3) 刪除並重新安裝APP後,請重啟手機。 手機重啟後,請嘗試進入並使用該應用程序。
請確保您的設備已充滿電,您的手機已啟用藍牙,並且已連接到 WIFI
• 嘗試為電池充電。使用提供的 USB 充電線為設備充電,直到底部的指示燈停止閃爍。
• 嘗試將您的設備插入不同的插座。如果您要插入電腦,請確保電腦已打開。
• 嘗試在APP的「自定模式」中使用加熱功能。請將您的 UFO™ 與APP配對,您將在螢幕上看到一個選單,其中包含「自定模式」選項,在那裡您可以打開加熱功能。
1. 按通用電源按鈕,打開並激活 Make My Day 程序。
2. 再按一次激活 Call It a Night 程序,以此類推。 (例如,如果 H2Overdose 在您的應用程序的插槽 3 上,請按通用電源按鈕 3 次以激活 H2Overdose 治療)。
3. 您的 Power Mask 程序已準備就緒!
1) please ensure that your mobile's operating system has been updated to the latest version. In other words, please ensure that your mobile phone is running the latest software update.
2) delete the "cookies" and cache memory in the settings of your phone
3) please delete and re-install the application - perhaps the application simply needs to be updated
4) after deleting and re-installing the application, please make sure to restart your phone. Once the phone has been restarted, please then attempt to enter and use the application
5) please ensure that your Bluetooth is turned on
After you've done all the provided steps, then please try to use your device in offline mode (without the app). This should do some sort of 'reset' to the device and it should be vibrating normally.
Please ensure that your device is fully charged, that the Bluetooth is enabled and connected to the WIFI.
1) please delete and re-install our FOREO For You app - perhaps the app simply needs to be updated
2) please ensure that your mobile's operating system has been updated to the latest version. In other words, please ensure that your mobile phone is running the latest software update
3) after deleting and re-installing the application, please make sure to restart your phone. Once the phone has been restarted, please then attempt to enter and use the application
Please ensure that your device is fully charged, your phone has Bluetooth enabled, and is connected to the WIFI
Secondly, I would like you to try turning on the heating option in Manual mode:
• Try recharging the battery. Use the provided USB charging cable to recharge the device until the light at the bottom stops blinking.
• Try plugging your device to different outlets. If you're plugging into a computer, make sure the computer is ON.
• Try using the heating function in the 'Custom mode' section of the UFO™ which you can find in the app. Please pair your UFO™ with the app, and you will see a menu on your screen which has the option 'Custom mode'. There you can turn on the heating option.
Thirdly I would like you to try a mask treatment manually to see if the device would heat up then:
1. Press the universal power button to turn on and activate the Make My Day treatment routine.
2. Press again to activate the Call It a Night treatment, and so on with each mask. (For example, if H2Overdose is on slot 3 in your app, press the universal power button 3 times to activate the H2Overdose treatment).
3. Your Power Mask treatment is ready to begin!
You will not need to use the masks whilst trying this but just to see if the heating element is working without the app.
If none of the steps above help with this, I would kindly ask you to place a formal claim for the device on our website.